Badass Birth Worker Training by Badass Bitches

Train to be a Hypnobirthing Instructor or Doula and start a job you are proud of and build a life you love.

Get Ready to Rock and Roll at TBU Academy

So, listen up! Let me tell you why becoming a Birthworker with the TBU Academy is the shit. First off, we've got your back with ongoing support like no other. None of that "learn it and forget it" crap. We're there for you every step of the way, cheering you on and answering all your goddamn questions. And let us tell you, our training is top-notch, 5-star quality. You'll be learning from the best in the biz, honing your skills and becoming a certified badass. But wait, there's more! Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is the name of the game here. We keep you updated with the latest knowledge and techniques so you can stay ahead of the damn game. And oh, the gang of birth worker peers you'll meet? They're fucking amazing. Seriously, you'll find a gang of like-minded, supportive folks who get you and have your back through thick and thin. Plus, at TBU Academy, we're all about inclusivity, celebrating diversity in birth and making sure everyone feels seen and fucking heard.

So, if you're ready to rock the world of birth work and have a blast doing it, join us at TBU Academy!

Meet the Team

  • Jade

    Co-Founder & Hypnobirthing Instructor Trainer

  • Alix

    Co-Founder & Hypnobirthing Instructor Trainer

  • Terri

    Resident Doula & Doula Trainer

Why TBU Academy?

Business Boost Squad

Starting a business is a major hustle. But fear not, we've got your back with some badass support. We'll be your partners in crime, your guiding lights, and your ultimate cheer leaders, all to make sure you rock at attracting those loyal clients. Your business is our jam, no doubt about it. So let's dive in, kick ass together, and make this entrepreneurial journey one hell of a wild ride!

Limitless Independence

We provide you with a treasure trove of kickass resources and well-thought-out session plans to support you. But listen up, it's your call on how you want to unleash your teaching magic. We respect your style, your individuality, and your creative flair. Plus, we're always here to offer ongoing support, badass CPD opportunities, and a kickass community of like-minded professionals. Together, we'll conquer new frontiers and elevate the world of Hypnobirthing to epic proportions!

Fee-Free Forever

We believe in keeping things simple and fair. That means your training investment is a one-off fee, period. We don't believe in squeezing you for yearly fees, licenses, or any sneaky charges. Your success is our success, and we're all about making sure you have the tools you need without any extra bullshit. So let's kick ass together without breaking the bank!

  • I did my hypnobirthing instructor training with TBU and could not recommend it more highly. The information delivered in the online element of the course is extensive; much more than you could ever cover in a single weekend! The support is continuous; Jade & Alix are always working to help the team improve whatever aspects we need help with. A totally judgement free zone, with a really diverse community of instructors. Love being a part of TBU and looking forward to the future of our teaching!

    Claire- Birthing Parents Club

  • These lot are a complete god send! Informative, inclusive, and detailed hypnobirthing training alongside AMAZING post business support that is consistent and just keeps on giving a year after I completed the course. Honestly can’t recommend them enough, the most I’ve got off any training including my degree. Everyone should train with these guys if they are thinking to get into birth work, you won’t regret it :)

    Marcelle- Abso-Birthing-lutely

  • I moved from my original hypnobirthing training to TBU and it was the best decision I ever made. The course content, the support, they’re just brilliant. I was able to quit my job within 2 years and take this full time. Truly life changing. If you’re thinking of being a Hypnobirthing teacher I wouldn’t look anywhere else than these two. x

    Anna- Hackney Hypnobirthing

  • I did TBU teacher training, it was bloody awesome. Jade and Alix have so much knowledge and they want to share it. The online content was so in-depth I felt prepared, then the two full days face to face training cemented all I had learnt and in a fun way leaving me feeling like a total Badass teacher knowing I have the ability to teach a fun, informative, interactive antenatal course for any birther. Thank you!

    Clare- The New Parent Company

Hypnobirthing instructors are like your badass birthing allies, blending the science of childbirth with a kick-ass focus on birth rights. These knowledgeable folks dive into the nitty-gritty of birth biology, empowering you with evidence-based knowledge so you can make informed decisions like a boss. And let's not forget about the relaxation techniques! They teach you how to tap into your body's natural powers, helping you chill the fuck out and feel in control during the birthing process. Oh, and they're all about your birth rights too! They'll have your back, making sure your voice is heard and your choices are respected. It's a potent combo of scientific understanding, relaxation magic, and standing up for your birth experience like the badass you are. Time to rock that birth, my friend!

A doula is like your personal cheerleader and support system during pregnancy, childbirth, and the early postpartum period. They're not medical professionals, but they provide emotional and practical assistance. Picture this: they're like the cool friend who's got your back, offering guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear throughout the whole journey. Whether it's helping you create a birth plan, offering relaxation techniques during labor, or even just being there to hold your hand, a doula is all about making you feel empowered and at ease during this incredible and sometimes overwhelming experience. So yeah, doulas are pretty awesome!