The Training Goes Like…

Online Modules

Once your training beginnings you’ll get access to our recorded modules to work through in your own time. The modules take around 3 months to work through around work and your life.

You can take a look at the modules in the above video.


There are a total of 16 activities to go alongside the modules. These are a mixture of exploring resources, creating infographics (like. the ones in the example photo), recording a short video explaining a topic, researching and gathering statistics and things that will a) show your understanding of the training modules and b) help you practise the skills you will use day to day as a doula.

None of the activities involve essay writing or anything like that

The Face-Face Weekend

Attending the live face - face weekend is the last piece of the puzzle.

Here you’ll find out how to put everything you’ve learnt so far into practise and be a kickers doula.

Once you’re fully trained you are welcomed into the main TBU Birthworkers Group alongside all the other TBU Academy Instructors and Doulas. This is where you can access their incredible expertise. 

Whether it’s help to find resources for a client with a special circumstance you’ve never come across before or assistance in working out what local maternity policies mean and what alternatives might be, this gang will have some info for you!

We have a group full of hypnobirthing instructors, midwives, doulas, instructors, bf supporters and various other roles, both related to birth and parenting and in other areas.

We hold monthly calls, open to all instructors where we can all either catch up and support each other, share information on particular topics or have a formal masterclass.

We hold weekly drop in sessions where you can come along and bounce ideas and ask any questions you have.

Masterclasses are sometimes facilitated by TBU Academy and other times we welcome outside guests to share their expertise. These are all recorded so you can catch up on anything that takes your fancy once you join the gang!

You can lean on this gang for support no matter what, they have such big hearts and an amazing amount of knowledge and experience. This gang is the birth worker gang of dreams!

What happens after you are trained?

Who Can Be A Doula?

The answer is absolutely anyone who's fired up about supporting positive birth experiences!

Listen up, my friend. Becoming a Doula is for all the badass individuals out there who are ready to unleash their passion for empowering births. It doesn't matter if you're a kickass parent who has personally experienced the mind-blowing awesomeness of birth and wants to spread that magic like confetti. Or maybe you're a hypnobirthing instructor, a yoga teacher or anything to do with birth and you've witnessed the transformative power of birth and are eager to level up your skills. Even if you're a freaking hypnotherapist who's itching to specialize in helping pregnant folks release their fears and rock their birthing experiences, you're welcome here!

Hell, you don't even need to know jack shit about Doulaing yet. If you've heard whispers of its incredible impact and can't wait to dive deeper, then hop aboard this wild ride! We don't give a damn about your background or experience because we've got your back, pal. We'll provide you with all the knowledge, tools, and unwavering support you need to become a kickass Doula. So, if you're passionate as fuck about positive birth, it doesn't matter who the hell you are – we're here to make your Doula dreams come true. Let's rock this journey together!

Still got questions?

Let's chat! Don't hesitate to hit us up at Seriously, don't keep those burning questions to yourself. Let's dive right into it and talk that shit out.

We're fucking stoked to support you on this incredible journey. We are here to cheer you on, provide guidance, and help you kick some serious ass. So reach out to us, and let's make magic happen together. Can't wait to connect with you!

Book a 15 min no obligation call with us to chat through anything you need to.

Just click here