Well, hey there future hypnobirthing teacher!

Welcome to TBU Academy, where we're all about creating a gang of badass hypnobirthing instructors who are ready to take on the world! If you're looking to dive into the incredible world of hypnobirthing and spread your passion like wildfire, you've come to the right place. Let us tell you why TBU Academy stands out from the crowd and why you'll want to join our kickass crew.

We're on a mission to show the world that birth doesn't have to be a damn scary thing. We want to empower people and prove that they can rock their birthing experience with confidence. If you're as passionate as we are about making birth better, then you're in the right place.

And hey, we get it. You want to spend more quality time with your loved ones and have the flexibility to work on your own terms. That's what we're all about—finding that sweet balance between work and personal life.

It's frustrating as hell when people share horrific birth stories, right? But imagine being able to change that narrative. You have the knowledge, the power, and the desire to make a difference. We feel that fire within you.

If you're itching for something new and thrilling, look no further. We've got the excitement, the innovation, and the opportunity to dive into a world that aligns with your passions. It's time to take that leap and make a badass impact!

What we stand for!

First things first, we believe in building a community of confident instructors who are happy in their work, because when you're feeling fulfilled, you radiate positive fucking energy and make a real difference out there in the birthing world. We've got your back, and we want you to feel supported every step of the way.

At TBU Academy, we aim for nothing less than being the best damn hypnobirthing instructors out there. We're talking about a reputation that spans the globe, where people expect nothing short of exceptional quality and unwavering support from a TBU instructor. With our top-notch training and ongoing support, we'll take you to the top of your game and help you shine brighter than the sun.

But it's not just about the training and expertise, it's about the community we've built. Our gang is our baby, and we're all about having a blast and spreading knowledge together. We learn from each other, grow together, and become an unstoppable force in the hypnobirthing world. It's sweary, it's relaxed, and it's one hell of a journey.

One thing we're fiercely passionate about is inclusivity. We believe that every person, regardless of race, sexuality, gender, or disabilities, deserves exemplary education and support when it comes to birth. Our aim is to create a truly inclusive hypnobirthing brand that supports families of all shapes and sizes. We're here to empower you to be that pillar of support for everyone, because all families matter and all births are valid. As part of our gang, you'll rock this shit and smash any barriers that stand in your way.

So why choose TBU Academy? Because we're not just another run-of-the-mill training program. We're a vibrant, supportive community that's passionate about making a real difference in the birthing world. We'll equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to become an extraordinary hypnobirthing instructor. Join us, and let's have fun, sweat it out, and change the birthing landscape together. Are you ready to become a badass with TBU Academy? Hell yeah, you are!

Alright alright, enough about us, let's talk about you…

Stepping into the unknown and training in something new can be downright intimidating. Trust us, we've been there too. It felt like a colossal leap, but let us tell you, it was worth every ounce of courage.

Hypnobirthing has brought an abundance of fucking happiness, freedom, and flexibility into our lives. It's been a game-changer. Not only have I met some extraordinary individuals on this journey, but we've also been able to create more memory files with our families. And the best part? We've discovered so much about ourselves along the way.

Let us tell you, it's not just about personal growth and fulfillment. Hypnobirthing has provided us with a kick ass path to earning a pretty excellent living. It's not just a passion; it's a career that have brought us both satisfaction and financial stability.

So, if you're on the fence about taking the plunge, we urge you to consider the incredible experiences, growth, and opportunities that await. Don't let fear hold you back. Embrace the journey, and who knows what remarkable things you might discover!

Join us on this fucking amazing journey of becoming a Hypnobirthing teacher and let us show you how it's done. We'll be right there by your side, providing unwavering support, and introducing you to the most badass group of birth workers you'll ever meet. They'll become your gang for life, offering expertise and guidance whenever you need it. Our mission is to empower fierce individuals like you who are passionate about making birth an empowering experience.

And here's the best part: we don't play that yearly membership or fee game. Your training fee is a one-time investment, giving you access to top-notch training and unwavering support without any additional charges. We respect your independence and encourage you to tailor your courses to meet your clients' needs. Let's turn your passion for Hypnobirthing into a lucrative venture and make some serious magic happen together!

Once you're fully trained, you'll be welcomed into the main TBU Birthworkers Group, a dream team of midwives, doulas, instructors, breastfeeding supporters, and more. This incredible gang will be there to support you no matter what. We hold monthly and weekly calls where we catch up, support each other, and dive deep into specific topics through masterclasses.

So let's cut the crap and get real - we know building a successful business is about making some serious money, and we're here to guide you every step of the way. With our one-time training fee, you'll gain access to the online modules, so you can start learning.

So get ready to join this dream team of birth workers, my friend. We're here to elevate your business, unleash your potential, and create a community that's bound by big hearts, immense knowledge, and unwavering support. Let's make some serious magic happen together!

Still got questions?

Let's fucking chat, my friend! Don't hesitate to hit us up at training@tbuacademy.com. Seriously, don't keep those burning questions to yourself. Let's dive right into it and talk that shit out.

We're fucking stoked to support you on this incredible journey. We are here to cheer you on, provide guidance, and help you kick some serious ass. So reach out to us, and let's make magic happen together. Can't wait to connect with you!

Book a 15 min no obligation call with us to chat through anything you need to.

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